In some parts of the country road salt and brine are a normal part of life. Road salt is elegantly efficient at the job of controlling ice and snow on … Continue Reading How To Keep Road Salt From Eating Your Car
Rust has been a problem since the first motorized carriages were built. True some of those early vehicles had wood frames and wood bodies, but there was still steel in … Continue Reading Automotive Rustproofing Options To Keep Corrosion At Bay
The road is a filthy place, and your car needs is protection. Here we will discuss how to undercoat a car.
Rust is the bane of existence for most gearheads. Unless your vehicle is made entirely of plastic or fiberglass, rust will eventually sink its claws into the metal and cause … Continue Reading Molecular Deconstruction – How to Remove Rust
Body repair is often considered one of the most complicated car repairs, but learning how to Bondo rust holes is quite simple and could save the day.
Frame coating prevents rust from forming on your vehicle’s undercarriage and other critical components. Here are a few options to explore.
ATV mudding is a lot of fun but getting things clean once you get home can be a huge task. Here are some tips to get your ATV cleaned up quickly.
Whether from humidity, a damp garage or just time, tools get rusty. Here’s how to remove rust from tools so you can get back to the job at hand.
There is not a more maligned automotive product than “bondo”. Plastic body filler is most often referred to by the brand name “Bondo” (made by 3M), and its bad reputation … Continue Reading Bondo 101 – Basic For Working With Plastic Body Filler
Most of us eagerly welcome the transition from winter’s chill to spring’s warmth. As you begin tending to your garden and yard, your car will also need some tender, loving … Continue Reading Reality Check: What Road Salt Is Really Doing to Your Car