NASCAR History: Grassroots Motorsports Fueled By the 18th Amendment
NASCAR attracts millions of fans, but did you know it finds its grassroots motorsports roots in the 18th Amendment, Prohibition and the need for speed?
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NASCAR attracts millions of fans, but did you know it finds its grassroots motorsports roots in the 18th Amendment, Prohibition and the need for speed?
Plans sometimes have a way of snowballing, especially when it comes to building a car. Just about every gearhead has a story about how “it started out as a brake … Continue Reading Red Dirt Hot Rod – Supercharged 1969 Plymouth Road Runner
One of the most unique events in drag racing is HOT ROD Drag Week. Race car builders from around the world are put to the test that is half drag race, … Continue Reading HOT ROD Drag Week 2018 – Race, Drive, Repeat!
Protruding from the floor is the Hurst shifter; long and lean in all its chrome glory. As the factory-installed Sun brand tachometer calls out the engine speed from its perch … Continue Reading Rambler Scrambler – All About The 1969 AMC Hurst SC/Rambler!
Every spring for over a decade vintage racing enthusiasts have descended upon the rolling hills of North Georgia’s historic Road Atlanta for a celebration like no other. With roots going … Continue Reading Exploring The 2018 Classic Motorsports Mitty