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Reduce Distracted Driving: Get the App, Take the Pledge

safe texting app

April is National Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and we at NAPA AUTO PARTS are committed to helping drivers improve safety on our roads and highways. That’s why we’ve created the free Safe Texting App and special cash-back deals on products like wiper blades and headlights that contribute to safer driving.

Texting is relatively new, but it already presents a big hazard for drivers that text behind the wheel and, as a result, other drivers on the road, too. Distracted driving is often considered a problem that mostly affects younger drivers. Indeed, people between the ages of 16-19 rely heavily on texting to communicate with friends and family. Because these drivers are typically less experienced than older drivers, distractions like texting present great risks. According to Safe Texting Campaign, teens are four times as likely to have an accident when texting or even when talking on a handheld mobile phone.

Older drivers aren’t immune from the risks of distracted driving, and the statistics are sobering. A University of Utah report suggests that distraction from using a handheld or hands-free phone while driving reduces reaction time as much as having a blood alcohol content of .08%, the legal limit for drunk driving. Distracted driving is a factor in a quarter of all police-reported vehicle crashes, and 16% of fatal crashes involve driver distraction.

free safe texting app from NAPA - screenshots

Safe Texting App

Drivers that use the free Safe Texting App not only improve safety for themselves and their passengers, but also others on the road. The app simply detects when the mobile phone user is driving or riding in a vehicle at 15 mph or more, and displays the message “Please Don’t Text and Drive.” The app automatically replies to incoming text messages, letting the sender know that you’re driving and unable to respond immediately. Passengers can simply use the “snooze” function to reactivate texting. The Safe Texting App is available for iPhone and Android devices.

Even without the app, you can still take the pledge to help reduce distracted driving. Commit to not texting while driving, not using a cell phone while driving or using only hands-free to talk on the phone while driving. You can also pledge to encourage others to sign on.

See Better. Drive Safer.

Visit now to sign the pledge, get the app and take advantage of our special offers. Let us know you’ve signed the pledge in the comments below.


Nick Palermo View All

Nick Palermo is a freelance automotive writer and NAPA Know How blogger. Since becoming an auto news and reviews contributor at in 2011, he has broadened his coverage of the automotive industry to include topics like new car technology, antiques and classics, DIY maintenance and repair, industry news and motorsports. A committed advocate for automotive media professionals, Nick is a member of the Greater Atlanta Automotive Media Association.

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