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Searching for belts info? Check out all the belts related articles here on the NAPA Know How blog. We’ve got Know How for all!

Six Easy Vehicle Maintenance Ideas To Pass The Time

Spare Time Solution: Six Easy Vehicle Maintenance Projects

Have you suddenly found yourself with some free time on your hands? If so, there are a few easy vehicle maintenance projects that you can do with minimal prep right at home. These aren’t complicated projects and most need only basic tools and supplies. So before you start watching the entire “Lord of the Rings” trilogy again, take some time for easy vehicle maintenance that will pay off dividends later…

Close-up view of an engine belt under the hood

What Causes a Squeaky Belt on a Car?

What’s that sound? Your vehicle, which usually purrs like a kitten, has started squeaking like a mouse. If it happens when your car is running, but not moving, it’s most likely an issue with a belt. If your car is making unusual sounds, you might have a belt issue. Here’s what to look (and listen) for…

Replace your car's timing belt before it causes big problems for the engine.

What Happens When Your Timing Belt Breaks?

A broken timing belt can cause your engine major damage. Without a belt doing its job, the valves and pistons on most engines are on a literal collision course with each other. And with your engine turning at thousands of revolutions per minute, something can go wrong…