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Tagcar care

Searching for car care info? Check out all the car care related articles here on the NAPA Know How blog. We’ve got Know How for all!

A bucket and hose on the ground by a red car

How to Spring-Clean Your Car

The sun is finally shining, meaning it’s time to spring-clean your car. Winter is hard on a car, and a good cleaning makes it look good as new inside and out. Also, a nice bath helps your car last longer by removing the winter buildup on paint and interior fabrics. It doesn’t take long to do the job and, once it’s done, you’ll have months of summertime weather to enjoy. Here’s how to spring-clean your car…

catalytic converter

The Nose Knows: Odd Car Smells and What They Mean

Your nose is an effective detective. When chemical molecules are released, smells enter your nose, dissolve within a mucous membrane and are immediately transferred to your brain to decipher. However, not all odors are easily interpreted, including certain odd car smells that could signal an even greater problem…