In the last video we learned that the 1972 AMX Javelin had some serious body modifications in the works. The Ringbrothers and Prestone are building quite possibly the most detailed … Continue Reading Prestone – Ringbrothers Custom 1972 AMX Javelin Build: Part 3
Work continues on the custom 1972 AMX Javelin at the RingBrothers shop in rural Wisconsin. Find what the RingBrothers think is the most important part of their builds, and how long one of … Continue Reading Prestone – Ringbrothers Custom 1972 AMX Javelin Build: Part 2
Prestone Products Corporation has been named an official partner of the RingBrothers, formalizing a relationship between the custom car builder and the premier purveyor of cooling system products. The Prestone … Continue Reading Prestone Partners with Ringbrothers to build Custom 1972 AMX Javelin
Check out these tips to make sure your car modification jives with your day-to-day driving needs and maintains resale value.