Engine coolant keeps the waste heat of the combustion process at bay. There’s no denying the importance coolant plays in keeping an engine running, but how do you know when … Continue Reading How To Test Coolant And Coolant Sensors
The words “blown head gasket” strike fear into the heart of almost any vehicle owner. While not as horrifying as “blown engine”, a blown head gasket typically means a very … Continue Reading How To Fix A Blown Head Gasket
How can you protect your engine if your car is overheating? Here are some steps to follow.
What should you do if you overheat while towing? Here are some steps that could save your car’s engine.
An engine thermostat that is stuck closed will quickly cause your engine to overheat due to a lack of coolant circulation through the cooling system. When the thermostat gets stuck … Continue Reading Know-How Notes: Cooling System Thermostat Replacement Tips
The signs of a bad radiator hose are not difficult to detect. Here’s where you should look and what to look for to find a bad radiator hose.
Your vehicle’s radiator is a vital component that helps keep the engine cool. Here are a few key signs to look for to know when to replace a car radiator.
Engine overheating can do a number on your car. Here’s what you should do if your engine overheats while you’re on the road.
You’ve probably heard it can be an difficult repair, but do you know what causes a blown head gasket?
Thermostats are very simple mechanical control devices that work until they don’t. There is usually not much in-between partial function. While they are not expensive to replace, testing one that … Continue Reading Engine Thermostat Testing Tips and Tricks For Better Temp Control