Some of the most difficult to repair parts are the ones that must endure very high temperatures. Sure, the engine block may hit 180-220 degrees, but that is nothing compared … Continue Reading How To Use JB Weld ExtremeHeat
Are you curious about your engine’s exhaust manifold? Here’s an in-depth look at how it works and why it’s important.
A catalytic converter is one of the most critical components in a car’s exhaust system. Here are some common signs of catalytic converter failure.
U.S. vehicle emissions regulations have been evolving since the 1950s and are about to face a critical crossroads in April 2018.
The air around us is a veritable cocktail of several gasses. Oxygen gets the most attention, but nitrogen actually outstrips it in volume, and there are several others rounding out the atmosphere. As engines rely on the intake of atmospheric air for the combustion process, this chemical makeup and its characteristics must be…
The combustion process differs subtly between gas and diesel vehicles. Here’s what you need to know.
Passing a smog test can be simple, but what do you do when you’ve failed? Here’s a look at your options when your car has failed an emissions test.
Salt and moisture can rust a car exhaust system quickly. Here’s a quick look at how to prevent your exhaust from corrosion.
Here’s a look at the history of vehicle emissions controls and how environmental regulations drove unimagined technological feats.
You may have seen vehicles touting a SULEV sticker. Here’s a snapshot of SULEV technology and how it differs from ULEVs and PZEVs.