A long time ago headlight bulb options were pretty straight forward. You had round or rectangular headlight bulbs in just a few sizes that were used by pretty much every … Continue Reading What Headlight Bulb Do I Need For My Car?
Identifying the correct headlight bulb size for your car can sometimes take extra effort, and there are several places where this information might be.
Each car is different, but finding out “What headlight bulb do I need?” can be answered quickly by checking a few places.
Off-road lights provide essential illumination when you’re exploring unpaved trails and paths. Here’s how to find the right type for you and your vehicle.
Driving during dusk, night, dawn, rain and fog are difficult situations to see and be seen. Knowing how to replace a headlight keeps you and others safe.
Driving in fog requires properly aimed fog lights. Once you’re got them mounted properly, it’s time to learn how to aim fog lights.
Driving in fog can be dangerous, even deadly. Here’s what you need to know to avoid becoming a traffic statistic.
Foggy weather may actually mean not using your high beams.