What Is a Rear Differential?
What is a rear differential? It’s what creates a smooth turn for rear-wheel-drive vehicles, and certain clues can tell you when it needs to be checked out.
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What is a rear differential? It’s what creates a smooth turn for rear-wheel-drive vehicles, and certain clues can tell you when it needs to be checked out.
Changing your engine oil and topping off fluids is a common procedure that many DIYers take care of in their driveway. These simple tasks are part of owning a car, … Continue Reading Know-How Notes: How To Service Your Differential
Here’s how to identify common problems with differentials, so you can repair your vehicle well before your wheels stop turning.
If transmissions are shrouded in mystery, then the rear differential follows on its coattails. Unlike transmission building, a rear end rebuild is basic nuts and bolts stuff, but that comes … Continue Reading Tips For Rebuilding A GM 8.5” 10-Bolt Rear Differential