We have all had it happen. You are turning a wrench and then BAM, the head of the bolt rounds off, the wrench slips, and you bust your knuckles on the edge of something sharp. It never fails; there is always a sharp edge next to a rounded bolt waiting for your tender knuckles. Here are some tips and tricks to removing rounded-off bolts…
Torque is the main force behind securing fasteners. Depending on what grade of fastener you are using, the higher the torque, the better the retention. That isn’t always enough, sometimes … Continue Reading Know-How Notes: Threadlocker Guide
Rusted bolts stink. It doesn’t matter if the car is just a few years old or 50, there will always be rusted or seized nuts and bolts somewhere on the … Continue Reading Know-How Notes: How to Remove a Rusted Bolt
There comes a time for every DIYer to face the challenge of removing a bolt that has been treated with red high–strength threadlocker. When the factory absolutely does not want … Continue Reading Know-How Notes: How to Remove Red Threadlocker
You’ve had it. That bolt is stuck, your car is never going to be repaired, so you may as well grab your title and head to the dealership to buy … Continue Reading How To Use Sea Foam Deep Creep Penetrating Lubricant
Removing rusted nuts and bolts can quickly go from minor annoyance to major disaster.