From teenagers begging to drive themselves to high school to young adults heading off to college, the end of summer brings a wave of new drivers on the road. While … Continue Reading Prepare Your New Driver With Expert Guidance
Youngsters may want to drive, but there are certain rules to follow. Our list of tips for teen drivers can help them learn the right kinds of behavior.
Whether your child is going back to college or heading off for their first year, getting them ready for the time away can be a nerve-racking experience. As a parent you worry about their safety, and that should definitely include the car that’s taking them so far from home…
National Teen Driver Safety Week, which runs October 18-24, 2015, reminds parents and teens that safety behind the wheel is a top priority year-round.
Wondering where to teach your child to drive? These are the best locations to get a new driver behind the wheel of a car.
So you’re new or new-ish to driving? Here are some essential safety tips for young drivers.
Learning how to teach your child to drive isn’t as difficult as you think. Take your time, relax, and communicate, and they’ll be ready in no time.
As the parent of the freshly-licensed new driver, your life just became very different. Your little one has reached the age of driving, and while they are excited to get … Continue Reading 10 Things Your New Driver Needs To Know
Be involved in picking out your teen’s first car. The best thing you can do for your teen is set a good driving example.
If you’ve ever experienced a car crash, you know how stressful and upsetting it can be for a driver. Even without serious injuries or worse, the situation is typically troublesome. Dealing with law enforcement, traffic court, insurance companies and collision repairers is no one’s idea of a fun time. That’s why having a dash cam could help…