From teenagers begging to drive themselves to high school to young adults heading off to college, the end of summer brings a wave of new drivers on the road. While … Continue Reading Prepare Your New Driver With Expert Guidance
National Teen Driver Safety Week, which runs October 18-24, 2015, reminds parents and teens that safety behind the wheel is a top priority year-round.
Hands free phone laws are in place across the United States. Using a Bluetooth-connected device can help you avoid the dangers of distracted driving.
Distracted driving laws are in place in every state, district, and territory. Thousands of Americans die annually due to not keeping their eyes on the road
A big push to reduce distracted driving has raised awareness among drivers about the dangers of using mobile phones behind the wheel. But texting and dialing aren’t the only ways … Continue Reading Eating and Drinking in the Car: Distracted Driving Dangers