Your engine’s serpentine belt is probably not something you check on very often. If it is working then your vehicle will run, the battery will charge, the power steering works, … Continue Reading Serpentine Belt Wear Indicators
Drive belt wear can take out your power steering as well as your radiator’s and cabin’s cooling systems. Learn here what to look for to avoid these issues.
Unbeknownst to many, automatic belt tensioners are actually a wear item, and therefore cannot be classified as a prototypical hard part. Internal components in the tensioner can fail, causing stress … Continue Reading Diagnosing Engine Drive Belt Tensioner Failure
The accessories on a modern vehicle’s engine are typically driven by a single belt that wraps around all the pulleys. This is called a serpentine belt. Older vehicles used multiple … Continue Reading Worn Serpentine Belt Signs And Serpentine Belt Replacement Tips
Here are five power steering problems that are associated with hydraulic-driven systems.
Learning how to check belts on a car is a fairly straightforward process — and a valuable preventative maintenance skill.
Power steering problems often announce themselves with a squeal, followed by increasing difficulty in turning the front wheels – or occasional…