While automobile brakes are meant to stop a car, sometimes they can do their job a little too well. Thanks to hydraulic pressure and power brake booster muscle, it is … Continue Reading What Is Brake Lockup and How to Fix It
What does ABS mean on a car? An anti-lock brake system helps to bring a vehicle to a full stop safely in an emergency braking situation.
Winter has arrived and with it comes its fair share of hazardous driving. Because of this, you may find that you’re becoming a white-knuckled driver or at least someone who starts gripping the steering wheel a bit tighter. But fear not, you neither must live in fear nor become a hermit until spring arrives…
If you drive a car equipped with an ABS brake system, what exactly is it and what does it do? Also, should you drive any differently?
Understanding your car brakes means being more knowledgeable about your brake system during your next trip to the shop.
Driving your car in winter poses several challenges, including cold and deep snow. Here are a few modern technologies that have made it a bit easier.
How can ABS brakes save your life this winter? We break it down, so you can appreciate how helpful these snowy saviors are.
The anti-lock braking system uses an ABS sensor or wheel sensor to monitor the wheel speed and send this information to the ABS computer. The ABS computer uses this information … Continue Reading What is an ABS Sensor And How Does It Go Bad?
Anti-lock brake systems save lives. Accidents are prevented and some are mitigated. What is ABS and does your vehicle have such a system?
Brakes are often overlooked and taken for granted until you have a significant problem on your hands. When it comes to the most important safety mechanism on your vehicle, letting … Continue Reading 10 Ways Your Car Is Warning That You Need Brake Service