Bringing Your Car to the Mechanic, Even if You’re a Do-It-Yourselfer
Do-it-yourselfers, you take pride in the fact that you can fix practically anything, but when should you bring your car to the mechanic?
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Searching for timing belt info? Check out all the timing belt related articles here on the NAPA Know How blog. We’ve got Know How for all!
Do-it-yourselfers, you take pride in the fact that you can fix practically anything, but when should you bring your car to the mechanic?
Engine valve timing using a timing chain vs. timing belt. What’s under your car’s hood? Is one better or worse? Here are the answers.
A broken timing belt can cause your engine major damage. Without a belt doing its job, the valves and pistons on most engines are on a literal collision course with each other. And with your engine turning at thousands of revolutions per minute, something can go wrong…
Automobile engines can be classified as either interference engine or non-interference engine types depending on what occurs if piston/valve synchronization is lost. In the non-interference engine with the crankshaft still … Continue Reading Interference Engine vs Non-Interference Engine Types
What’s the difference between an interference engine and a noninterference engine? It’s all about keeping the pistons and valves in proper time and space.
Does your car have an interference engine or noninterference engine? Knowing which type powers your car can help you prioritize critical maintenance tasks.
The timing cover gasket is located deep in your engine, so it isn’t easy to diagnose. Here’s a look at how it works and how to tell when it’s failing.
Engine knocking could be perfectly normal, or it could indicate a potentially catastrophic issue. Either way, combustion problems should never be ignored.
Inside your engine is a set of valves that open and close inside the combustion chamber. This is what allows fresh fuel and air to enter the chamber and the … Continue Reading What’s In A Water Pump And Timing Belt Replacement Kit?
Car rattling noises can drive you crazy, but once you identify the problem, you can often resolve it yourself. Here are some common causes and fixes.