Thermostats are very simple mechanical control devices that work until they don’t. There is usually not much in-between partial function. While they are not expensive to replace, testing one that … Continue Reading Engine Thermostat Testing Tips and Tricks For Better Temp Control
Engines get so hot under normal driving conditions that there is an entire system dedicated to cooling them down. That’s because an engine overheating will cause problems and even complete engine failure. Instead of shelling out thousands of dollars and enduring a ton of stress…
Blowing a cylinder head gasket is a common mechanical emergency, but it’s not worth losing your own head over. Blown head gaskets are easy to prevent with regular check-ups. It’s … Continue Reading 3 Steps to Keep Cool and Avoid a Blown Head Gasket
Your car thermostat plays an important role in keeping your engine cool and safe. Learn how to change a bad one and stay on the road.
The heater core uses the car’s cooling system to provide heat to the passenger compartment. Learn the signs of a bad heater core to protect your engine.
Overlooked car maintenance should be at the forefront of your mind. Check out these tips for dealing with the most commonly forgotten issues.
The thermostat is a simple device that keeps your engine cool and is relatively easy to change. Know the signs of a bad thermostat and keep your cool.
Ignoring low engine coolant for too long could lead to serious problems inside your engine.
If you’re asking: “Why isn’t my car heater working,” then you’re in for a horrible ride. Here are three things to check when the heat goes out.
A car overheating in the winter can be a pain to tackle. Here are some issues that could be causing your engine to overheat.