Cruise Control 101
Here’s a look at the history of cruise control, how best to use it and the latest self-driving car developments involving this technology.
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Here’s a look at the history of cruise control, how best to use it and the latest self-driving car developments involving this technology.
A mild hybrid isn’t as efficient as a full-blown hybrid, but the current technology adds more torque and reduces your time at the pump.
Car technology continues to evolve. We’re nearing a time when new cars may even be able to conduct a health check on drivers.
3D-printed parts for cars are becoming a reality, as GM and Ford race to bring their technology to market.
Today’s vehicles are made up of a number of systems working together in harmony. It would be impossible to remove one of these systems (fuel, for example) and still have a car that drives. So while you can’t necessarily say the car electrical system…
Most modern vehicles have 12-volt electrical systems, which power everything by means of the car battery. A 48-volt system may become the new norm.
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